Get this beautiful prayer journal and start praying for rain today. Keep track of your prayer requests and see how God is answering those prayers for you over the next weeks and months.

Get your printable copy of 180 Days of Praise and Promise for Moms. This daily devotional journal will provide you with 180 days of journal pages with a new verse every day. Monthly scripture coloring pages, plus 80 additional weekend reflection pages.
180 degrees is a complete reverse in direction. 180 days will provide you with over half a year’s worth of scriptures to meditate on, reflect on, and hide in your heart as you are praying for your family and your daily needs.
180 days is also the length of a typical school year. So use this prayer journal as a Bible study tool. It’s undated, so you can download and start today.
- Are you praying for your marriage?
- Is there a broken relationship that you are praying will be healed?
- Do you have children you are praying for?
- Have you been praying for a job?
- Are you struggling to pay the bills each month?
- Have you been holding onto something that you need to give to God in prayer?
Most of us know we need to pray more. But getting into the habit of daily prayer time and turning our worries and concerns over to God is difficult in our busy lives. A habit takes time and we need an intentional way to be able to build our habit muscle.
I created 180 Days of Praise and Promise for Moms Prayer Journal as a way to help you spend a few minutes each day focusing on what you are praying for, how God is answering your prayers, and meditating on a Scripture promise or praise each day.
Writing these things down provides a journal to look back at and see specifically where God is leading and answering your prayers.
To say THANK YOU for visiting our site today, you can get this beautiful journal for 60% off today!
Here are some additional resources to encourage and help you in your prayer journey.
Praying moms – learning how to use scriptures to pray for others is the best place to begin.
If you are looking for specific scriptures to pray for your children, this post will help you start a list of promises to claim for your child!
Or you can Start Here on the website
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- Praying Moms – Using Scripture to Pray for Others
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- Waiting on God – Lessons From Elijah – 1 Kings 18
- Prayers for your Daughter
- 10 Mothers Who Prayed in the Bible
- The Best Prayer Journals for Women
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