180 Days of Praise and Promise – Women’s Prayer Journal

Are you looking for a way to focus your thoughts and plans with a Godly focus?

You have good intentions to spend daily time with God but then a text comes in, your kids need help, you overslept and need to rush to get to work on time, or any number of other situations that derail your good intentions.

  • What if you had a simple way to focus on God?
  • What if 5 minutes a day could transform your life?
  • What if you had a tool that you could use while you’re drying your hair? Making your coffee? Or eating breakfast?

This women’s prayer journal was born out of the need for encouragement and daily reminders that God was and is in control. As I searched for Bible promises and wrote them down, my stress level began to shrink.  I was focusing on God’s greatness rather than the uncertainties of life. God wants that same experience for you as well!

This 180 Days of Praise and Promise prayer journal for women will help you focus your daily devotion and prayer time on God’s promises and praise for what God is doing in your life.

180 days is the typical length of a school year and also the number of degrees to completely change your direction from worry and anxiety to trust and contentment.

Get the Women’s Prayer Journal Today!

Women’s Prayer Journal Includes:

Each day includes a scripture verse of praise or promises to encourage you this year.

  • Ample room on each page.
  • Record your prayers, requests, gratitude, and answered prayers.
  • Daily inspiration and encouragement through selected Bible verses.
  • Daily reflection pages
  • Un-dated – start any time. ​
  • Bonus scripture coloring pages to help you meditate on God’s Word
  • Digital download – start today.
  • Print every week, month, or all at once.

Use this women’s prayer journal to change the direction of your life by focusing on what God is doing in your daily life rather than getting discouraged by the uncertainties of life.

 Get 180 Days of Praise and Promise – Women’s Prayer Journal